Holiday Cheer from the 1970s...
"All in the Family" featured eight episodes during its nine-season run that revolved around the subject of Christmas. Each one featured the hard dose of reality that always found its way into the groundbreaking series.
pictured above: Carroll O'Connor, Jean Stapleton, Rob Reiner and Sally Struthers
"Christmas Day at the Bunkers" - Season 2 December 18, 1971
Archie makes an error at work and his punishment is that he does not receive his Christmas bonus.
"Edith's Christmas Story" - Season 4 December 22, 1973
While getting ready for the holidays Edith is shocked to learn that she has a lump in her breast.
"The Draft Dodger" - Season 7 December 25, 1976
The dinner table is full on Christmas Eve. Mike's friend David (Renny Temple), a draft dodger, and Archie's friend Pinky (Eugene Roche), a man whose son was killed in Vietnam, find themselves sharing Christmas Eve dinner with each other and a very angry Archie.
"Edith's Crisis of Faith" Part I Season 8 December 18, 1977
"Edith's Crisis of Faith" Part II Season 8 December 25, 1977
Edith's faith in God is shaken horribly when her dear friend Beverly LaSalle (Lori Shannon) is murdered shortly before Christmas.
"Bogus Bills" - Season 9 December 3, 1978
Archie's Place is thrown into a tailspin when a sidewalk Santa (John Finnegan) begins passing around counterfeit bills
"The Bunkers Go West" - Season 9 December 10, 1978
Archie and Edith decide to head to California when they are informed that Mike's bad back will prevent the Stivics from visiting for Christmas.
"California, Here We Are" - Season 9 December 17, 1978
Shortly after they arrive in Santa Barbara, Archie and Edith learn that Mike and Gloria have split up and Mike has moved out of the house.
"Maude" never stayed away from the serious issues either. During its six-season run there were four Christmas episodes that mixed laughter with tears.
pictured above: Beatrice Arthur as Maude Findlay
"The Office Party" - Season 2 December 18, 1973
Walter (Bill Macy) feels betrayed during his annual Christmas party when he learns that his employees plan to unionize.
"The Christmas Party" - Season 4 December 22, 1975
Maude's friend, Stephanie Fisher (Neva Patterson), visits during the holidays and attends Walter's annual Christmas party. Stephanie is known to go out of her way to preach her feminist beliefs and Walter is worried she will bring down the festive mood of the party.
"Walter's Christmas Gift" - Season 5 December 20, 1976
Arthur (Conrad Bain) offers to become Walter's business partner when Walter runs into some serious financial difficulties.
"Maude's Christmas Surprise" - Season 6 December 19, 1977
Maude and company are shocked when they find a baby in a basket on the doorstep
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