March 14th...

 Celebrating broadcast anniversaries...
"I Love Lucy" - "The Hedda Hopper Story"
March 14, 1955 - 68 years ago
pictured above: Hedda Hopper (1885-1966) who guest starred as herself 
"Batman" - "Minerva, Mayhem and Millionaires"
March 14, 1968 - 55 years ago
pictured above: Zsa Zsa Gabor as Minerva, a supervillain that uses mind reading devices to rob wealthy Gotham City citizens.
This was the 120th and final episode of the series
"The Golden Girls" - "Dorothy's Prized Pupil"
March 14, 1987 - 36 years ago
pictured above: Mario Lopez as Mario, a student Dorothy (Beatrice Arthur) takes a liking to only to be heartbroken when she discovers she inadvertently plays a part in getting him deported for being in the US illegally.


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