Adam West and Burt Ward began their adventures as the guardians of Gotham City on this day fifty-five years ago. This revival of "Dragnet" starring Jack Webb as Sergeant Joe Friday and Harry Morgan as Officer Bill Gannon began on this day fifty-four years ago. "All in the Family" a show that changed the face of television, began on this day fifty years ago. Carroll O'Connor starred as working class bigot Archie Bunker and Jean Stapleton played his long suffering and loyal wife Edith. Sally Struthers played Archie and Edith's daughter Gloria and Rob Reiner played Gloria's husband Michael Stivic. "Dynasty", the beloved nighttime sudser, began on this day forty years ago. John Forsythe, Linda Evans and Dame Joan Collins headed up the cast which also included Pamela Sue Martin, Pamela Bellwood, Al Corley, Bo Hopkins, Emma Samms, Jack Coleman, Gordon Thomson, John James, Lloyd Bochner and Heather Locklear just to name a few.